SMART for Schools

No! SMART brain training involves learning to solve brief logical problems that are foundational to ALL intellectual acvtivity.  What SMART does is teach you how to learn and how to think clearly and logically by teaching the foundations of reasoning itself. We don’t actually teach you any information about maths or anything else!. But SMART makes learning and understanding everything much easier.

RaiseYourIQ has developed a specific program for Dyslexia, which you will find when you log in.  However our general SMART training has been proven in several published scientific studies to improve verbal ability and enhance vocabulary. SMART is also designed to improve letter and word sequencing and attention to detail.  Several of our users have had their diagnoses of dyslexia professionally revised in follow-up assessments after completing SMART. Specifically, users experience imrpvements in vocabulary and reading ability because SMART hones attention to letter and word sequencing and visual processing.

Children with both general and specific learning difficulties and are too young to read, can use and benefit from the specially designed KidStarter SMART brain training program that is available only under the supervision of a professional who has purchased the professioaml suite of SMART tools . Children with a whole host of developmental difficulties will also benefit from this program. 

KidStarter Training is designed to bridge the gap between early language development (age 4+) and the ability to undertake regular SMART brain training.

It prepares younger users (mental age 4-9) for SMART training by accelerating the development of basic relational skills but using non-arbitrary stimuli such as pictures of toys and household objects in the place of the “random” syllables used in SMART training. KidStarter training requires that the child be guided by a professional, teacher or other caregiver, as each task may require reading and explanation. A caregiver should help the user to understand each task and guide them towards the correct answer, short of telling them what to do.

Regular SMART brain training is also useful for older children with language delays or other learning challenges so long as they can read to some extent before commencement.  This is so that they can engage with the training withour parental supervision.   


During typical additional support classes, a teacher will often deliver the same content from the same or a parallel curriculum, but at a slower pace. We do something completely different. We are teaching a child the underlying skills necessary for learning. This will help them in all subject areas, regardless of their current level of ability. They will not learn these skills at school. So there is no reason why your child should not continue to access this support as long as he or she needs and so long as it is available. But our research has shown that people who have completed the SMART program typically need less additional support after training.

RaiseYourIQ have a dedicated intellectual skills and brain training solution designed for schools and education environments.
The SMART system allows teachers to asses and train the school students' cognitive abilities while tracking their training progress remotely. SMART fits seamlessly into most school curricula that provide time for personal developent or additional educational enhancement. Click here to learn about SMART for schools.


SMART brain training from RaiseYourIQ can help improve children's IQ. Most of the studies published to date have been based on evidence gathered with child populaitons, so our evidence for SMART is strongest with this group. This evidence also shows gains on seveal IQ subtests such as performance IQ and verbal reasoning.

Yes. Brain training teaches students how to learn more efficiently. Teachers, students and schools can use SMART relatinal skills training across the curriculum to improve IQ and also improve a range of "relational skills" leading to expanded vocabulary, improved memory and processing speed. Educational interventions based on training relational skills have been shown in published research to impact intellectual ability scores (measured using several gold standard tests).  Independent research into relational skills has shown that our ability to understand abstract relations corresponds to scores on standard IQ tests (e.g., the WAIS and Kaufman’s brief intelligence test). Other studies have shown that students improve significantly on their scores on standarized educational aptitude tests, such as the DATs and US state educational assessments.

SMART training (Strengthening Mental Abilities with Relational Training) does not teach students anything that they can use in their examinations (e.g., how to multiply, the capital of Peru). Instead SMART establishes the foundational reasoning skills crucial to verbal and mathematical reasoning, giving students the tools to learn more effectively. Moreover, SMART remediates deficits in foundaitonal learning skills in a way that would be utterely inefficient if approached at the level of teaching educational skills individiually.   By enhancing foundational learning skills, school learning becomes more efficient.  See our Schools seciton here.

SMART is an ideal teaching tool in special education environments, as it teaches a range of crucial relational skills that help to hone foundational intellectual skills for maximising knowledge and skill acquisition.  When a persons foundational  "relational skills" are improved, research and results show all intellectual tasks come easier. Relational skills training helps young kids or older kids with learning difficulties, to learn more efficiently.   So long as the child has the mental age of around 8 years they can benefit from SMART.  See our pfoessional suite for SMART KidStarter developed especially for very young children or older children with a severe verbal ability deficit.